PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT the Lexington Planning Board will hold a Special Meeting on October 5, 2020, at 6:00 p.m. to consider a Major Subdivision and Major Zoning Permit related to development on Glenoaks Drive, a Major Zoning Permit for First National Bank of Pennsylvania, and staff updates. Due to continual adherence to taking preventive measures resulting from COVID-19, this meeting will be conducted as an electronic meeting.
The Agenda for this meeting can be accessed at the following link:
To listen to the meeting, you may do so by the following methods:
- To access the live stream audio, visit the following link or type the link into your internet browser:
- Join by phone: (253) 215-8782 or (301) 715-8592 or (929) 205-6099
Meeting ID: 978 2654 8366
Password (if requested): 255200
Anyone who wishes to speak should sign up in advance by 4:00 p.m. on October 5, 2020 by emailing Josh Monk at JTMONK@LexingtonNC.gov or call 336-248-3900 extension 3309. If unable to sign up by 4:00 p.m. you may participate in the “public meeting” per above Option 2, join by phone. Please provide the following information:
- First and last name
- Address
- Comment
- Phone number
Persons wishing to provide written comments on the aforementioned items may do so by emailing JTMONK@LexingtonNC.gov between the date of this notice and 24 hours after the closing of the “public meeting.” Written comments received by 4:00 p.m. on October 5, 2020 will be read into the record and comments received after 4:00 p.m. will be forwarded to Planning Board members prior to its recommendation to City Council.
This the 21st day of September, 2020.
By: Christopher Allred, Chairman